This study also examines the relationship between casual dining restaurants factors with socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, educational background, occupation, monthly income, and marital status.

This study attempts to examine which factors of casual dining restaurants that are important to Malaysian customers’ in Klang Valley area, Malaysia. Meanwhile book-tax differences have negative influence through persistence of earnings on manufacturing companies which were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2011 until 2015. The results showed that (1) income growths and dirty fixed assets, partially, have positive influences through permanent book-tax differences, but they have no influences through temporer book-tax differences, (2) size of the companies has no influences through book-tax differences. Data was proceeded using multiple regression test. the period 2011 until 2015, (2) they published their financial statements per December 31 which has been audited from 2011 until 2015, (3) they have positive profit in the current years, (4) they have positive income growths, and (5) they have all data needed in this research completely. Samples were taken by the purposive sampling method, with the criteria as follows: (1) the manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange during. This research aims to identify the factors that affects book-tax differences and analyze the effect of book-tax differences on the persistence of earnings of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2011 until 2015.

According to the correlation results between the scales, it was determined that there is a positive and high-level relation between social appearance anxiety and the fear of negative evaluation. According to the scores obtained in the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, it was determined that the dancers who spent most of their life at their villages, who had middle-level income, who were female, and who had less folk dance experience had higher average values. The participants of this study consisted of 215 volunteer folk dancers who were selected with random sampling method in Interuniversity Folk Dances Championship in 2016-2017.When the findings obtained in the study were examined in terms of demographical variables, there was significant difference in the gender, income levels and folk dance experience. were used as the data collection tools in the study.

“The Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation (BFNE) Scale”, which was developed by Leary (1983) and the “Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (SAAS)”, which was developed by Hart et al. The relational survey method was used in the study. The purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the relationship between the fear of negative evaluation and the anxiety for social appearance in folk dancers.